What's in the Workboxes?  

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I recently mentioned that I have begun to use a form of Sue Patrick's Workbox System.
I am doing the simple version as my kiddos are very young and I wanted to keep from confusing them in anyway. As they get older I may implament more of what the book recommends.

One of my readers asked me to tell you what I put in the boxes. That is the beauty of this you can put anything in it from school work sheets to snack to puzzles or toys.

I did type out a general 'schedule' for what to put in and when and in what order. {that last sentence sounds real complicated but let me explain - keeping it simple is so important to me}.
Here are some other ideas that I have written up. I just keep penciling in more ideas as they come.
Workbox Ideas
Workbox Ideas

There are two pages posted. Where it says 'book' at the bottom, you may need to click scroll then scroll down to see page two. (still learning Scribd ; ))

Here are some of the things we have done with them so far.

Anything you want to use for an activity you would put in the box. For example we did a fall leave wreath. I put in the box a paper plate with the center already cut out, a glue bottle. I had them go outside and pick up colorful leaves and bring them in. Then they glued them to the paper plate ring.

If I want them to do a math lesson. I put in what that day's lesson needs, pencil, worksheet, abacus, square tiles for pattering.

Just for fun I will add a puzzle or a building toy like blocks.

The first box is always a devotional, bible story or character book.
We also practice our AWANA bible memory.
I printed out this character coloring book - this is great for the 3 year old when the 5 year old is doing 'real school.'

Fall Vocabulary Words that they glue to a page

A Devotional or Character Building Book goes in the first box every day.

Math lesson for the day : couting with the abacus

Landmarks of the World flash cards
We will just read through these together.

A fun activity to keep them busy.


We jumped on board! Workboxes!  

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I have good news ~ for me anyway.

I really struggled for about 4 weeks with how to plan what to do and when. When is a big issues when you have a preschooler and a crawler! Schooling just wasn't fitting in (without babies crawling up in the table and preschoolers throwing temper tantrums).
I had thought about it, scratched out many possible routines but it wasn't happening. I was so discouraged and frustrated by it all. I knew we needed to do something totally different from what we were doing.

Finally I said enough is enough and I got online and ordered

this from Joann Fabric! It has made things so much more fun and we actually get school done.... not just do a little.... I mean we accomplish what I want to accomplish.

For the kids is it just something that fills their day. They are loving the boxes and the fun 'projects' inside!. I kept it real simple and didn't do the whole Sue Patrick's Workbox numbers and cards and valcro. It is just the drawers and I tell them "Go see what is in the blue box" - It helps that they are all different colors - they are learning their colors too!

Oh! You know what was even better? I ordered it online and they had two different prices. On the list of items it was priced at only $33.00! That's a great deal! So I clicked "add to cart" and there it showed up as $66.00 plus $14 shipping. So I called customer service and they gave me the cheapest price listed. And shipping was really only $7.00!  Woooo Whoooo!

(by the way, the 5 year old gets one side and the 3 year old gets the other side.)

Counting by Two's  

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In the last couple of weeks we have been cherry picking. Cherry Tomatoes.
We have been counting EVERYTHING that we get from our garden. So I pulled out the muffin
tins and we counted the cherry tomatoes by twos!
We 98 of them this particular day.

I had always heard of home schoolers who just incorporate learning into their day in a natural way. I am more of a 'follow the book' gal but I am seeing more and more ways to 'learn in everyday life' now that I am an official home schooler.

Nest Unit  

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Once again I have to tell you how God is interacting in our lives. It is small things but they are showing me and my children that God knows and cares about every detail of our lives!

I have a journal notebook that I keep the list of recommended books for each unit. I also write in other books we want to read too. I have a section for the book title, the author and the call number. Before we go to the library I go to the library webpage and look up each book and write down the call number. That way when I get there I will already know if the library even has the book and I can begin my search.

Well, I had found the books I was looking for and then as usual I just randomly pick up other books that look good.

This time I picked up NO ROSES FOR HARRY by Gene Zion.

No Roses for Harry!

Cute little book. As the story 'unfolded' I began to see how the Lord directed me on my library book search. I had no idea what this book was about. Let me tell you. This little dog gets a sweater from Granny that he doesn't like. He finds any possible way to get rid of it but has no luck. Finally, a little thread comes loose and it begins to unravel. A bird picks up one end of the string and flies off unraveling the entire sweater. Harry is so happy and the bird is happy cause now the bird has a beautiful nest that looks like Harry's sweater and is so soft and cozy. And Harry no longer feels silly wearing this thing.

I almost teared up. God put this book in our hands with out us asking for it. At the very time we were studying nests!

This IS my Father's world. He cares about everything in it! Yes. Even today. Even you! Even me!

Matthew 6:26 (New International Version)

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?